Dept. of Korean Language & Literature The Dept. of Korean Language & Literature trains students to deepen their knowledge of the Korean language and express their intention accurately and logically. Students will also be able to expand their linguistic ability necessary in the modern society. Especially, they will develop the ability to express their intention, claim and emotion effectively. As it is essential to understand the structure of the Korean language accurately for efficient acquisition of a foreign language, students will be taught to have the basic knowledge of linguistics sufficiently.

Location TEL E-mail Site
- 02)940-4340

Dept. of Korean History The Dept. of Korean History aims to contribute to the right positioning of Korea in the world and setting the future direction of the Korean people based on the historical tradition of Korea. We will present the direction of the Korean people and contribute to the development the national culture by recognizing the history of Korea with scientific recognition and taking a practical posture about the future of Korea

Location TEL E-mail Site
- 02)940-4410

Dept. of Creative Literature The basic goal of the Dept. of Creative Literature is to arouse continuous interest of the students who wish to become writers in literature and draw the unprocessed writing talent existing inside the students. In such a process, students will read and analyze various genres of poetry, novel, play, etc. and practice writing in various genres. When students finish the joyful and systematic education of writing, they will be able to acquire the extensive base for general writing in addition to literary writing.

Location TEL E-mail Site
- 02)940-4630

Dept. of English The Dept. of English began in 1978 as the Dept. of English Language & Literature. In 1998, the name of the department was changed to ‘English Major’ with the introduction of the School system. In 2006 it was changed to the ‘Department of English’ with the restoration of the Department system. The world is already in a simultaneous zone of life as a result of the revolutionary development of information and transportation. In the modern society in which we have to breathe and live in competition as world citizens, it is an absolute requirement to be quick, accurate and practical in the exchange of culture, discipline and information. The importance of English as a universal language cannot be emphasized too much. Thus, the Dept. of English will train experts in English and the English-speaking cultural area.

Location TEL E-mail Site
- 02)940-4350

Dept. of Japanese The Department of Japanese aims to realize the educational goals of the College of Humanities and train students to contribute to the exchanges between Korea and Japan by understanding the language and culture of Japan with the background of such demand of the times. A special emphasis is put on grasping the linguistic life of Japanese people and the culture of Japan as the basis for the improvement of the ability to communicate smoothly with Japanese people.

Location TEL E-mail Site
- 02)940-4370

Dept. of French The Dept. of French aims to thoroughly realize the future-oriented educational goals of Dongduk Women’s University and train the talent who can meet the requirements in the globalization era. To achieve such a purpose, we will foster omnidirectional and active professionals with excellent international sense knowledgeable about the language, literature, politics, economics, society, literature, etc. of France.

Location TEL E-mail Site
- 02)940-4380

Dept. of German We are now living in an age of globalization and informatization. With the development of electronic media, Germany, a country located on the opposite side of the earth, has come to us as a close neighbor improving mutual understanding. In the globalization era in which the world is in a one-day life zone, it has become important to study the characteristics of a region intensively in addition to acquiring various kinds of information. Responding to such a realistic demand, the Dept. of German is teaching students to be able to use practical German language, speaking and writing, for communication with the local people by acquiring German in the basic, intermediate and advanced levels. Students will acquire professional knowledge about the German-speaking area and learn the overall knowledge about Germany including the culture, arts, study and general life of Germany in the curriculum composed of the four areas of literature. Linguistics, culture and society and economy to be the basis for becoming able talent in local studies. Furthermore, we will help the students who take Germany as a minor to learn the culture of Germany to be helpful to their actual life and living as sound cultured persons.

Location TEL E-mail Site
- 02)940-4390

Dept. of Chinese Language & Literature The Dept. of Chinese aims to train experts in China fluent in Chinese language and the local situation by teaching various areas including the politics, external relationships, economy, society, history, geography, culture., etc. of China based on the education of standard Chinese. Especially, students will be taught to understand the Chinese society and the Chinese culture systematically through effective understanding of practical Chinese and the situation of China using various high-tech media facilities including the Internet.

Location TEL E-mail Site
- 02)940-4400